臺灣最大的 WordPress 部落客服務平台,從部落格搬家、網站建置、自媒體經營與打造個人品牌,一站式全方位服務,提供最完整的「部落客管家」服務。
我們協助了超過600個搬家部落格,並對每一位客戶都提供了一個獨立專屬對話群組,部落客只要遇到困難第一時間都會求助我們,對於與部落客的關係連結更加縝密。同時阿腸也提供了 Facebook 臉書廣告投遞服務、口碑行銷等等方式,對部落客來說可謂社群品牌加速器,也能帶動商家或企業客戶的品牌行銷。
「虎頭山創新園區」以人工智慧結合物聯網(AIoT)相關的新創試驗為主軸,建立實證平台,發展包含自駕車、資安認證、智慧工廠及5G 通訊技術等四大目標領域。園區由勤崴國際負責營運,進駐率超過8成,為產官研間提供互動的最佳場域。
WensCo提供舒適專業、同時又擁有高規格設備的多元共享空間,這裡不僅僅只是一個Co-Working Space,我們希望能將有形的空間整合成無形的人脈,使工作或學習的人們可以輕鬆地聚集在一起,不論職業或性別,都能在這裡盡情揮灑自我,連接台中的創業夥伴,彼此認識,創造更多契機
The HeroPress Network
The HeroPress Network seeks to inspire, equip, and provide visibility to everyone in the global WordPress community.
The HeroPress Network — an expansion of HeroPress.com — provides new resources and visibility opportunities to both new and veteran users throughout the global WordPress community.
One way we’ve chosen to accomplish this is by aggregating WordPress resources and making them searchable.
WPPodcast.com – search WordPress podcast episodes
FindItWP.com – like Yahoo, but for anything associated with WordPress regardless of size
Post Status
Our goal is to guide, connect, and support the people and businesses who make up the WordPress community. From our beginnings in 2013, we’ve built our offerings with professional WordPressers in mind. We’re here for anyone seeking insights, analysis, guidance, and community centered around the WordPress ecosystem.
- The Post Status Slack Community is a friendly, inclusive, and diverse members-only resource for WordPress professionals.
- Our Job Board is linked to our member and business directories to connect the best employers and professionals in the WordPress space.
- The weekly Post Status Newsletter is a TL;DR for key insights, news, events, and opportunities in the WordPress community.
- Our Get Hired project aims to help foster an inclusive workforce and workplaces where people build each other up.
Thank you so much for being here with us. It's only possible with your support. 有您的支持使我們活動更加圓滿,WordCamp Taiwan 2021 全體志工致上最誠摯的感謝