WordCamp Taiwan 2021 財務報告

收入 / Income

科目名稱 / Item金額 (TWD)
1. 門票收入 / Ticket Income
小計 / Subtotal0
2. 贊助收入 / Sponsorship Income
贊助商 / Sponsors223,793
小計 / Subtotal223,793
收入合計 / Total Income223,793

支出 / Expense

科目名稱 / Item金額 (TWD)
1. 場地 / Venue
Gather Town 租用 / Gather Town Subscription (USD 1,750)(48,614)
Zoom Pro 費用 / Zoom Pro Account0
小計 / Subtotal(48,614)
2. 影音處理 / Video & Audio
StreamYard (USD 49)(1,363)
花絮影片 / Event Video(20,000)
小計 / Subtotal(23,363)
3. 贈品 / Gifts
紀念品費用 / Swags(22,649)
講者贊助商贈品運費 / Shipment Fee(1,476)
小計 / Subtotal(24,125)
4. 行政及手續費 / Administrative Cost
降級退費手續費 / Downgrade Refund Remittance fee(30)
小計 / Subtotal(30)
5. 其他 / Other
主機費用 / Server for Email Service(593)
支出合計 / Total Expense(94,725)

總結 / Summary

科目名稱 / Item金額 (TWD)
總收入 / Total Income223,793
總支出 / Total Expense(94,725)
餘額 / Final Balance129,068
人均支出 / Cost per Attendee
(總參與人數 787 人/ Total Attendees)

再次感謝所有贊助夥伴,讓本次的 WordCamp Taiwan 得以在沒有財務負擔的情形下順利舉辦。

本次費用上有所剩餘。主要原因是 Gather Town 與 StreamYard 的實際花費比規劃預算時低。在預估預算時,以 Gather Town 原價進行計算 (750 人),為新台幣 291,340 元,但因場地方提供優惠,且與 WordCamp Central 討論後,選擇購買 500 人份的方案,大幅減少場地花費。此外,StreamYard 也因降低議程軌數,因此費用減少。

本次的結餘 129,068 元,將於應收帳款結清後,匯回 WordPress Community Support, PBC 專屬帳戶中,用以支援全世界的 WordCamp 社群活動。




  • 本次活動使用 Gather Town 場地,原費用為每人每天 3 美元,經贊助組交涉後取得 5 折優惠。本次連同會前晚宴共購入 3 天,總計 500 x 3 x 3 x 0.5。
  • 本次工作坊使用的 Zoom 會場,由 WordCamp Central 贊助提供,因此無需額外付費。


  • 本次直播使用 StreamYard 付費服務,費用為每月 49 USD。
  • 花絮影片將提供台灣地區 WordPress 社群以及未來 WordCamp 招募進行宣傳使用。


  • 本次紀念品包含防水貼紙、WordCamp 特製成人口罩以及方巾。
  • 本次紀念品包含寄送給國內外講者與贊助商之運費。


  • 本次因贊助方案調整,協助已付款之贊助商進行降級退費。


  • 本次活動使用 Freescout 作為與贊助商、講者信件往返的解決方案,因此於 Linode 租借主機建置環境。

感謝山景別墅贊助商 Thank you for being here with WordCamp Taiwan 2021



  • 平實的價格
  • LiteSpeed網頁伺服器
  • 免費版SSL
  • 一鍵安裝WordPress
  • 免費試用虛擬主機
  • 75-180天免費備份
  • 免費網站搬家


Knock if you’re Curious, Knock if you’re Brave. 我們是一群熱愛嘗試與冒險,找出不同可能性與發展的網站設計公司,透過正確的規劃跟評估去協助客戶進行最有效的開發跟運用。從品牌的數位化整合、設計、程式開發、安全性的把關,提供一個完整的服務。


免費資源網路社群是一個以「免費資源」為主題的網站,成立於 2006 年,當時 Pseric 還是學生,因為喜歡尋找網路上的免費服務進而將這些資料蒐集起來,搭配圖片撰寫成教學文章,希望更多人受益。網站初期為自行撰寫的 HTML 網站,開站三個月後將平台轉換為 WordPress,成為今日的面貌。



Weglot is an excellent WordPress multilingual plugin that allows you to translate and display your website in multiple languages. It provides a fast first layer of automated translation which you can easily edit yourself or by adding teammates, or collaborate with pro-translators through the Weglot dashboard.

Trusted by more than 50,000 website owners and developers and with a 5-star rating on the WordPress directory (1000+ reviews) – you can have a multilingual website up and running in minutes. 

RocketGenius Inc.

Gravity Forms is well regarded as one of the most reliable and extensible WordPress form management plugins on the market. This is reflected in our diverse customer base, which ranges from agencies, educational institutions, and nonprofits, to businesses of all shapes and sizes.

An extremely user-friendly tool, the drag-and-drop form editor functionality and wide assortment of built-in features will enable you to create stylish, high-end forms within minutes. On the flip side, the flexible nature of Gravity Forms, coupled with its impressive ecosystem of add-ons and third-party plugins, allow web professionals to design complex custom forms.

Thank you so much for being here with us. It's only possible with your support. 有您的支持使我們活動更加圓滿,WordCamp Taiwan 2021 全體志工致上最誠摯的感謝

感謝互惠贊助和媒體贊助商 Thank you for being here with WordCamp Taiwan 2021


臺灣最大的 WordPress 部落客服務平台,從部落格搬家、網站建置、自媒體經營與打造個人品牌,一站式全方位服務,提供最完整的「部落客管家」服務。


我們協助了超過600個搬家部落格,並對每一位客戶都提供了一個獨立專屬對話群組,部落客只要遇到困難第一時間都會求助我們,對於與部落客的關係連結更加縝密。同時阿腸也提供了 Facebook 臉書廣告投遞服務、口碑行銷等等方式,對部落客來說可謂社群品牌加速器,也能帶動商家或企業客戶的品牌行銷。



「虎頭山創新園區」以人工智慧結合物聯網(AIoT)相關的新創試驗為主軸,建立實證平台,發展包含自駕車、資安認證、智慧工廠及5G 通訊技術等四大目標領域。園區由勤崴國際負責營運,進駐率超過8成,為產官研間提供互動的最佳場域。




WensCo提供舒適專業、同時又擁有高規格設備的多元共享空間,這裡不僅僅只是一個Co-Working Space,我們希望能將有形的空間整合成無形的人脈,使工作或學習的人們可以輕鬆地聚集在一起,不論職業或性別,都能在這裡盡情揮灑自我,連接台中的創業夥伴,彼此認識,創造更多契機


The HeroPress Network

The HeroPress Network seeks to inspire, equip, and provide visibility to everyone in the global WordPress community.

The HeroPress Network — an expansion of HeroPress.com — provides new resources and visibility opportunities to both new and veteran users throughout the global WordPress community.

One way we’ve chosen to accomplish this is by aggregating WordPress resources and making them searchable.

WPPodcast.com – search WordPress podcast episodes
FindItWP.com – like Yahoo, but for anything associated with WordPress regardless of size

Post Status

Our goal is to guide, connect, and support the people and businesses who make up the WordPress community. From our beginnings in 2013, we’ve built our offerings with professional WordPressers in mind. We’re here for anyone seeking insights, analysis, guidance, and community centered around the WordPress ecosystem.

  • The Post Status Slack Community is a friendly, inclusive, and diverse members-only resource for WordPress professionals.
  • Our Job Board is linked to our member and business directories to connect the best employers and professionals in the WordPress space.
  • The weekly Post Status Newsletter is a TL;DR for key insights, news, events, and opportunities in the WordPress community.
  • Our Get Hired project aims to help foster an inclusive workforce and workplaces where people build each other up.
Thank you so much for being here with us. It's only possible with your support. 有您的支持使我們活動更加圓滿,WordCamp Taiwan 2021 全體志工致上最誠摯的感謝

感謝總統套房贊助商 Thank you for being here with WordCamp Taiwan 2021



  • 遠振提供虛擬主機、VPS主機、實體主機、雲端主機、主機代管等多元方案。
  • 提供網域註冊、SSL憑證、資安防護與掃描、企業信箱等全方位服務。
  • 專業工程師主動式主機管理,全天候的諮詢服務讓您網路事業無後顧之憂。 
  • 免費網站搬家與各種客製化的服務,遠振是您網站主機的絕佳方案。

Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO helps millions of people all over the world optimize their websites to perform better in search engines like Google. Our mission is SEO for everyone: we believe everyone should have equal chances in search results! Our blog posts and our (free) training courses help you obtain the essential skills you need to get started on your SEO strategies right away.

  • Is 5-star rating from over 26000 votes;
  • Helps you get more visitors from Google, Bing, and social media;
  • Handles the technical stuff in the background and;
  • Helps you create relevant, high-quality content 

Liker Land

LikeCoin 是去中心出版基建,協助作者把內容註冊到區塊鏈,寫下永久的憑據 – ISCN ( International Standard Content Number ),達至內容授權、核查及溯源等目的。LikeCoin 提供的 ISCN 標準可類比為數位內容的 ISBN。

  • ISCN 處理的是內容註冊,把內容的元數據如註冊時間、標題、作者、授權方式及版本等資料寫到區塊鏈。去中心出版的兩大基礎,是於公共網絡上分散註冊及儲存,配合如 IPFS 或 Arweave 等分散式檔案系統所提供的內容指紋,讓服務供應者可基於這公共的資料庫存取和分發內容。
  • LikeCoin 提供出版相關的 SDK / 插件予平台進行整合,發展各種服務如新聞網站、社交媒體、博客網站等等。支援 LikeCoin 的媒體包括 Matters立場新聞香港獨立媒體網眾新聞 及其他 1,400 多個網站。LikeCoin 也可在 WordPressMedium方格子Blogspot (Blogger.com)痞客邦 及其他平台上使用。除了內容註冊服務,LikeCoin 也提供 LikeCoin button ,讓用戶化讚為賞,回饋創作。


KKCompany 為亞洲領先的媒體科技集團,2005 年在台灣推出全球第一家合法音樂串流服務 KKBOX,並陸續拓展服務地區至日本、香港、新加坡及馬來西亞。

以音樂娛樂與技術為公司核心,服務範疇跨足亞洲最具影響力聲音社群品牌 KKBOX、影音串流平台 KKTV、娛樂藝文活動展演 KKLIVE、行動售票平台 KKTIX、文創投資 KKFARM、串流技術 KKStream 等。

AudiLu Studio

WordPress / WooCommerce 研究及開發工作室

接觸 WordPress 超過 10年經驗,接過大大小小的專案及開發服務,目前正在找未來可能合作的開發者 (外包、兼職、全職,皆可),歡迎聊天交個朋友!

Thank you so much for being here with us. It's only possible with your support. 有您的支持使我們活動更加圓滿,WordCamp Taiwan 2021 全體志工致上最誠摯的感謝

感謝海岸豪宅贊助商 – 網站帶路姬 / Thank you for being here with WordCamp Taiwan 2021

WordPress 網站帶路姬提供輕鬆的 WordPress 新手教學與資源,其中超人氣的五天自學衝刺班,陪伴無數新手們完成第一個 WordPress 網站。

帶路姬為什麼要做五天自學衝刺班?因為我一直覺得,網路上大部分的教學都比較零散,新手們常常像無頭蒼蠅一樣到處學一點,導致有頭沒尾、或者銜接有問題就卡關放棄,這真的非常可惜。所以,我就想發揮我使用者介面設計的專長,來製作一套系統化的教學,帶著大家用很短的時間以及長期來說較省錢的方式,做出第一個 WordPress 網站!

什麼是五天自學衝刺班?他是一套免學費的線上教學,分成三個系列:媒體部落格篇、形象官網篇、型錄購物篇,只要每天利用下班後的一個小時跟著影片操作,五天後就可以做好一個 WordPress 網站囉,而且還可以加入帶路姬的臉書社團,與學長姐一起交流共學!

Thank you so much for being here with us. It's only possible with your support.
有您的支持使我們活動更加圓滿,WordCamp Taiwan 2021 全體志工致上最誠摯的感謝

感謝海岸豪宅贊助商 – Cloudmax 匯智資訊 / Thank you for being here with WordCamp Taiwan2021

匯智資訊股份有限公司 (Cloudmax Inc.) 創立於 1999 年,為台灣網路服務領導廠商,提供網址註冊 (Domain registration) 、網站代管 (Hosting)、企業郵件 (Email)、數位憑證 (SSL) 與網路資訊安全 (Security) 等服務。2011 年即領先同業獲得 ISO 27001 資訊安全管理認證,十九年來累積服務超過十萬名用戶,獲得 IBM 及微軟等各項合作夥伴獎項認證,憑藉著豐富的網路運營經驗及對各產業的了解,提供企業最佳的網路解決方案與 IT 顧問服務,並規劃企業永續經營策略,讓每位客戶都能「開心放假,放心出國,安心睡覺」,減輕各產業 IT 人力不足與資訊不對等問題,獲得優質的網路服務使用體驗,陪伴企業一同成長卓越。

Thank you so much for being here with us. It's only possible with your support.
有您的支持使我們活動更加圓滿,WordCamp Taiwan 2021 全體志工致上最誠摯的感謝

WordCamp Taiwan 2021 會前必看

經過長達半年的籌備,終於要迎來第一次的 WordCamp Taiwan ,也是首次實體+線上的嘗試,在這邊請幫各為辛苦的志工和贊助商們掌聲鼓勵鼓勵。以下有一些會前注意事項和實體小聚的詳細地點。


2021/12/11 及 2021/12/12 13:00-18:05 (UTC+8)


Gather Town (會場僅於 Before/After Party 及活動當天開放)

閱讀全文〈WordCamp Taiwan 2021 會前必看〉

專訪【山景別墅】贊助商-Rocketgenius Inc.

Gravity Forms is a powerful form builder for WordPress and the #1 choice for businesses and web professionals across the globe. Its vast array of features, intuitive drag-and-drop form editor, and extensive ecosystem of add-ons, ensure customers can design beautiful, intelligent, and accessible forms for any project requirement.

你目前執行的業務與 WordPress 的關聯性為何?
What is the relevance of your business to WordPress?

Gravity Forms is one of the original WordPress form plugins and is well regarded as an iconic WordPress brand. Built on WordPress, we are proud to support over a million WordPress powered websites, and we work hard to maintain our reputation of being a robust and secure WordPress plugin that our customers can rely upon time and time again. 

什麼樣的因緣際會接觸到  WordPress  社團?
What made you engage in the WordPress Community?

Community is at the heart of all that we do here at Gravity Forms and we are honoured that so many developers within the WordPress sphere have chosen to build useful and dynamic plugins that extend and enhance our form builder. Consequently we have worked hard to develop relationships with our third-party developers, and other web professionals within the WordPress space, and we look forward to continuing that support as we move into 2022 and beyond. 

什麼樣的契機讓你想要贊助 WordCamp Taiwan 呢?
What motivated you to sponsor WordCamp Taiwan?

At Gravity Forms we are a distributed team, and feel extremely lucky to have employees that work for us from all four corners of the world, not to mention our global base of customers and partners! This is reflected in our commitment to sponsor WordCamps outside of the USA – in Asia, Europe, and more. 

今年你是否還贊助了其他國家的 WordCamps?
Did you sponsor WordCamps in other countries this year?

Although the team at Gravity Forms has greatly missed in-person WordCamps and other WordPress events, we have still enjoyed sponsoring numerous virtual events during 2021, including WordCamp US, WordCamp Europe, WordSesh, and INBOUND. We are looking forward to hopefully being able to meet up in-person with our many customers and Gravity Forms fans in the not-too-far-distant future. 

與我們分享公司與  WordPress  相關的商品資訊及優惠活動。
Please share with us your company’s WordPress-related product information and/or promotions

With Gravity Forms, a powerful form management plugin for WordPress, you can build forms to any specifications! Whatever your business and budget, Gravity Forms has a plan to suit your project

Here is a quick summary of our three license types…

Basic License: If you’re looking to grow your email list, then the Gravity Forms Basic License is for you! Perfect for personal projects and/or blogs, this plan includes licensing for one site, standard support, multi-page forms, file uploads, and Basic Add-Ons such as Mailchimp, Active Campaign, HubSpot, and more!

Pro License: A best fit for anyone running an online business and/or accepting payments via a WordPress website, this plan includes licensing for three sites, standard support, multi-page forms, file uploads, and Basic & Pro Add-Ons such as Stripe, PayPal, Zapier, and more!

Elite License: Gain full access to Gravity Forms with the Elite license – great for ambitious entrepreneurs, agencies, web professionals, and other users who need to use the plugin on a large number of sites and require vast functionality. This plan includes licensing for unlimited sites, priority support, multiple page forms, and file uploads, as well as Basic, Pro, and Elite Add-Ons such as User Registration, Surveys, Quiz, and more!
Any questions about Gravity Forms or our licenses? Contact our friendly support team!

非常感謝山景別墅贊助商 – Rocketgenius Inc.

WordCamp Taiwan 2021 全體志工致上最誠摯的感謝


Knock if you’re Curious, Knock if you’re Brave. 我們是一群熱愛嘗試與冒險,找出不同可能性與發展的網站設計公司,透過正確的規劃跟評估去協助客戶進行最有效的開發跟運用。從品牌的數位化整合、設計、程式開發、安全性的把關,提供一個完整的服務。

你是否參與過其他 WordPress 相關活動 ,是否可以與我們分享活動體驗或有趣發現?
Have you involved in other WordPress-related activities and can you share your experiences or interesting discoveries with us?


I really enjoy joining WordPress meetups, where we can meet people from different areas of expertise utilizing WordPress and creating great works. For example when I attended the english meetups in Taipei, I was always able to meet content creators from foreign countries living in Taiwan using WordPress to their fullest and even more productive than developers, or in the Taipei meetups, where there was Alex, who is an absolute expert on localizing WordPress for traditional chinese users, and even the numerous business owners, entrepreneurs creating their businesses.

與我們分享公司與  WordPress  相關的商品資訊及優惠活動。
Please share with us your company’s WordPress-related product information and/or promotions


We are very familiar with WordPress development beyond the standards, jobs like interactions with outside systems with APIs or dynamic usages, even creating custom plugins for more uncommon functions outside the plugin lists.

WordPress for us is not a barrier with restrictions but a strong tool to go beyond. For us, it is a base structure for developments and utilizations. So if you need customizations or planning consulting for a good site, feel free to contact.

你是否有因為 WordPress 而使公司業務更上一層樓?
Have you taken your company’s business to the next level because of WordPress?

我們從早期一行一行Code製作到後來接觸WordPress CMS到全面改到其他CMS,最後還是回到了這個WordPress Community 發展,最主要就是業務開發的延展性跟速度,減少了很多基礎的重工製作,而是可以多花時間在真的客戶在乎的事情上面,同時也因為運用這樣有彈性的CMS,對於客戶善變的需求來說更是助力,也會帶來更多滿意的客戶。

We started out with one line of code at a time to implement WordPress to our work process and then went on shifting to another CMS, but be still ended up coming back to this WordPress community because of the rich environment and atmosphere along side the speed it brought our development process and dynamic personality of the system. At the same time saving the time needed for the basic page structures and which we were able to focus more on what really matters, bringing us happy clients.

對於 WordPress 在台灣的發展有什麼期許?
What are your expectations for the development of WordPress in Taiwan?


Hopefully more and more entities can bring WordPress to their developing utilities, therefore with the growing community, more developers and designers can bring their expertise into companies and grow the systems and evolve without always starting learning some new language or system, with a fast learning path.

What’s your definition of “open-source spirit”?


The open-source spirit is to not be afraid that growing the community will bring more competitors but through the evolution of the tools it can become broadly known throughout the world and market share. Due to the freedom of creativity and learning, and also due to the human nature of improving, providing the open-source spirit to be an interesting and exciting community.

非常感謝山景別墅贊助商 – 敲敲設計有限公司

WordCamp Taiwan 2021 全體志工致上最誠摯的感謝

WordCamp Taiwan 2021 is over. Check out the next edition!