專訪【山景別墅】贊助商-Rocketgenius Inc.

Gravity Forms is a powerful form builder for WordPress and the #1 choice for businesses and web professionals across the globe. Its vast array of features, intuitive drag-and-drop form editor, and extensive ecosystem of add-ons, ensure customers can design beautiful, intelligent, and accessible forms for any project requirement.

你目前執行的業務與 WordPress 的關聯性為何?
What is the relevance of your business to WordPress?

Gravity Forms is one of the original WordPress form plugins and is well regarded as an iconic WordPress brand. Built on WordPress, we are proud to support over a million WordPress powered websites, and we work hard to maintain our reputation of being a robust and secure WordPress plugin that our customers can rely upon time and time again. 

什麼樣的因緣際會接觸到  WordPress  社團?
What made you engage in the WordPress Community?

Community is at the heart of all that we do here at Gravity Forms and we are honoured that so many developers within the WordPress sphere have chosen to build useful and dynamic plugins that extend and enhance our form builder. Consequently we have worked hard to develop relationships with our third-party developers, and other web professionals within the WordPress space, and we look forward to continuing that support as we move into 2022 and beyond. 

什麼樣的契機讓你想要贊助 WordCamp Taiwan 呢?
What motivated you to sponsor WordCamp Taiwan?

At Gravity Forms we are a distributed team, and feel extremely lucky to have employees that work for us from all four corners of the world, not to mention our global base of customers and partners! This is reflected in our commitment to sponsor WordCamps outside of the USA – in Asia, Europe, and more. 

今年你是否還贊助了其他國家的 WordCamps?
Did you sponsor WordCamps in other countries this year?

Although the team at Gravity Forms has greatly missed in-person WordCamps and other WordPress events, we have still enjoyed sponsoring numerous virtual events during 2021, including WordCamp US, WordCamp Europe, WordSesh, and INBOUND. We are looking forward to hopefully being able to meet up in-person with our many customers and Gravity Forms fans in the not-too-far-distant future. 

與我們分享公司與  WordPress  相關的商品資訊及優惠活動。
Please share with us your company’s WordPress-related product information and/or promotions

With Gravity Forms, a powerful form management plugin for WordPress, you can build forms to any specifications! Whatever your business and budget, Gravity Forms has a plan to suit your project

Here is a quick summary of our three license types…

Basic License: If you’re looking to grow your email list, then the Gravity Forms Basic License is for you! Perfect for personal projects and/or blogs, this plan includes licensing for one site, standard support, multi-page forms, file uploads, and Basic Add-Ons such as Mailchimp, Active Campaign, HubSpot, and more!

Pro License: A best fit for anyone running an online business and/or accepting payments via a WordPress website, this plan includes licensing for three sites, standard support, multi-page forms, file uploads, and Basic & Pro Add-Ons such as Stripe, PayPal, Zapier, and more!

Elite License: Gain full access to Gravity Forms with the Elite license – great for ambitious entrepreneurs, agencies, web professionals, and other users who need to use the plugin on a large number of sites and require vast functionality. This plan includes licensing for unlimited sites, priority support, multiple page forms, and file uploads, as well as Basic, Pro, and Elite Add-Ons such as User Registration, Surveys, Quiz, and more!
Any questions about Gravity Forms or our licenses? Contact our friendly support team!

非常感謝山景別墅贊助商 – Rocketgenius Inc.

WordCamp Taiwan 2021 全體志工致上最誠摯的感謝

WordCamp Taiwan 2021 is over. Check out the next edition!