Call for Speakers
Call for Speaker has closed. Lightning Talks application is now opening.
WordCamp 相聚,無所畏「距」
Work From Home Cannot Stop us. Let’s WordPress From Home.
2021 年 5 月台灣因為疫情升溫的關係,無論是大型企業或小型公司,在現實環境的需求下,逐漸由辦公室辦公轉型為居家遠端辦公的型態;許多沒有遠端工作經驗的人,一步步的學習如何遠端協作。線上會議取代了大家在公司的會議室裡開會、線上語音通話取代了與同組同事的臨時討論,如何在不見面的方式下透過口語和文字有效的溝通,成為現代工作的新挑戰!
許多產業經歷了這兩年的疫情,逐步將業務數位化,如何透過 WordPress 達成組織業務的數位轉型成為最近熱門的議題。
本次 WordCamp Taiwan 2021 的主軸「WordPress From Home」,便是希望有 WordPress 相關經驗的夥伴站出來和我們分享你的心路歷程與經驗傳承?!從入門到進階、從經營到開發、從實作到心得,歡迎你來投稿!今年招募的議程總共有三種不同的類型:講題、閃電講 (Lightning Talk) 及工作坊 (Workshop)。
講題 (25 分鐘) 或閃電講 (10 分鐘)
- 電子商務
WooCommerce, e-commerce - 設計 (Design):UI, UX
- 開發:佈景主題、外掛、API、程式碼撰寫等
Developer-focus: Plugin, Theme, API, Code, Advance Development, etc - 網站安全、資料管理、隱私權
Security, Data Management, Privacy - 企業經營或專案管理:經營、網站、客戶、專案或部落格管理
Business and Project Management: Manage a Small Business, Website, Clients, Projects, blogger - SEO、SEM、行銷、轉換率、廣告
Marketing, Conversion, Advertising - WordPress 初學或入門相關
WordPress for Beginners
工作坊 Workshop (50 分鐘)
- 開發 (佈景主題開發、外掛開發與區塊編輯器開發)
- 設計 (UX/UI 設計、網站架構設計)
- 應用 (區塊編輯器應用與複數外掛組合應用)
- 社群參與 (小聚相關主題、本地化作業)
- 開源 (GPL 相關議題)
不論有沒有演講經驗,只要對 WordPress 有愛、對於你所講解主題有一定程度的經驗與知識,並且願意站出來和大夥分享個人的「 WordPress 真實經驗」,我們都很歡迎!
然而,我們也強烈建議講者應該在正式踏上 WordCamp 舞台以前,先參與不同規模的 WordPress 社群小聚。一方面可以更了解社群夥伴的性質,方便安排合適的內容;另一方面,也可以累積在社群場合進行公開分享的經驗。如果你過去沒有公開演講的經驗,建議可以在報名後,閱讀 WordPress 的社群手冊〈Speaking at a WordCamp〉的內容,此篇文章中說明我們對講者的期許、相關的學習資源可供參考。
WordCamp Taiwan 2021 的講者招募,將持續招募到 2021 年 10 月 18 日,請有興趣的夥伴及早報名。以下是我們的遴選流程與時間:
- 2021 年 9月 24 日講者公開招募
- 2021 年 10 月 18 日講者公開招募截止
- 2021 年 10 月 19 日講者遴選內部作業
- 2021 年 10 月 21 日通知獲選講者
- 2021 年 10 月 27 日公布講者名單
- 2021 年 12 月 11 – 12 日 WordCamp Taiwan
準備好成為 WordCamp Taiwan 的講者了嗎?
這是台灣 WordPress 社群第三次 WordCamp 年度盛會,大家齊聚一堂學習新技巧、汲取新靈感、結交新朋友。我們很高興能夠邀請來自各個領域的專家與愛好者來到這個舞台,我們也誠摯地邀請您來到這裡分享你寶貴的想法、專業技能、與實作經驗。另外您將獲得:
- WordCamp Taiwan 2021 線上門票 x 1
- 講者晚宴線上門票 x 1
- WordCamp 講者徽章 x 1
- 講者限定 WordCamp Taiwan 口罩 x 1
- WordCamp Taiwan 大會網站宣傳
講者投稿之後,我們會透過下列這個電子郵件帳號與你聯絡,基本上不會透過電話的方式 (除非特別需要),若講者收到來路不明、宣稱是主辦單位的電子郵件,要求提供任何資訊,都可以與我們查證。
我們與講者聯絡的信箱:taiwan@wordcamp.org本次採線上形式,所有講者的講題需要自行事先錄影﹑剪輯後,交由大會製播組安排議程時序,並於會後上傳至 wordcamp.tv
WordCamp Taiwan 2021 Call for Speakers
Work From Home Cannot Stop us. Let’s WordPress From Home.
As the COVID situation got serious from May 2021 in Taiwan, big companies and small-medium enterprises started working from home due to this challenging time. People without experience in remote work have started learning how to do so step by step. Online meetings replace the meetings in the office; online voice calls take over the internal group meetings. It has been a new challenge to communicate with texts and speech online without meeting people in person.
Plenty of industries have been on their paths to digital transformation. As a result, using WordPress to achieve the goal of digital transformation has become a trendy issue.
The core concept of WordCamp Taiwan 2021 is “WordPress From Home.” We hope that people with WordPress experience step up and share their stories. From beginning to advance, from management to development, and from ideas to practices, all levels or kinds of topics are welcome!
There are three types of programs this year: regular talks, lightning talks, and workshops.
Calling for Speakers and Speech Types
Regular Talks (25 min) or Lightning Talks (10 min)
Fields of topics:
- E-Commerce
WooCommerce, e-Commerce - UX/UI Design
- Developer-focus: Plugin, Theme, API, Code, Advance Development, etc
- Security, Data Management, Privacy
- Business and Project Management: Manage a Small Business, Website, Clients, Projects, blogger
- Marketing: SEO, SEM, Advertising, Conversion with WordPress
- WordPress for Beginners
Workshop (50 min)
Workshops will be in the form of practices or discussions. The speakers will decide the topic and define the scope of discussions, instructing all the attendees to think, explore, plan, or design for solutions to address a specific subject.
Fields of topics:
- Development: theme, plugin, and block editor development.
- Design: UX/UI design, website architecture.
- Application: block editor, the combination of multiple plugins.
- Community: meetups, localization.
- Open Source: GPL-related topics.
Must I Have Experience in Public Speech?
Whether you are an experienced speaker or not, you are welcome as long as you have a passion for WordPress, own knowledge and experience in your topic, and are willing to share your “Real WordPress Experience.”
However, we strongly recommend you to take part in WordPress Meetups before you step on the stage of WordCamp. On the one hand, you will be more familiar with our community and can come up with pertinent topics; on the other hand, you can build more experience in public speaking. If you haven’t had the experience in public speaking before, we suggest you take a look at the topic of Speaking at a WordCamp in the WordPress community handbook, in which you will discover the expectations for speakers and relevant learning resources.
Application Process
Our due date of calling for speakers WordCamp Taiwan 2021 will be 18th October 2021, so please make sure you apply by then. The complete schedule is as follows:
- 2021/9/24 The start of calling for speakers.
- 2021/10/18 The end of calling for speakers.
- 2021/10/19 Internal vetting of speakers.
- 2021/10/21 Contacting speakers.
- 2021/10/27 Announcement of speakers.
- 2021/12/11-12 WordCamp Taiwan 2021
Ready for Becoming the Speaker of WordCamp Taiwan?
WordCamp Taiwan is the third WordCamp in the Taiwan community. We gather to share new skills, new inspirations and make new friends. We are more than happy to invite experts from different fields and enthusiasts to join us and share your valuable thoughts and experiences.
By speaking at WordCamp Taiwan, you will be awarded:
- The ticket to WordCamp Taiwan 2021 (online)
- The ticket to our Before Party and After Party (online)
- A WordPress Profile WordCamp Speaker Badge
- WordCamp Taiwan Exclusive Masks
- A Spotlight Post on the WordCamp Taiwan website
After submitting your speaker application, we will contact you through taiwan@wordcamp.org. We will not contact you by phone unless there’s an emergency or special request. If you receive an email from another email address on behalf of WordCamp Taiwan asking you to provide any information, please do not hesitate to contact taiwan@wordcamp.org for confirmation.
We, WordCamp Taiwan 2021 organizers, will record and edit all talks and upload them to wordcamp.tv.
Taiwan Open Source Community is Supported by 科斯高 (GOSCUP).
大會議程 100% 開源自我檢查表 / 100% GPL Vetting Checklist