Hello Beautiful: Wading into Development

In 2020, I decided to play with code. I reinvented Hello Dolly and created Hello Beautiful. Now, I know that what I’ve done didn’t even scratch the surface of what true development is, but my goals were to have a deeper understanding of what developers do, how the WordPress.org system works, and to create something for myself that made me feel good.

What I ended up with was a lot more.

As a 53-year old woman in tech, I’m older than most would expect. With a background in religion/philosophy and business, I’m not what anyone would expect in the tech industry. And yet, here I am!

Join me as I share with you more about why I created Hello Beautiful, what that entailed, and how I discovered more about myself and what I’m capable of – and how YOU can do more than you ever thought you could, too.

講題分類 / Topic Category

Plugins, Development, Learning, Beginner, Dashboard

共筆 / Shared Notes




WordCamp Taiwan 2021 is over. Check out the next edition!