Maciek Palmowski

Maciek Palmowski

Maciek is a WordPress Ambassador at Buddy passionate about all things related to web development. He is a speaker & organizer of CMS-related events in Poland. After hours, apart from cycling – which he loves – he spends most of his time looking for a cutting–edge (well, ‘interesting’ is enough) news from the CMS world to share with the community of his followers.


  • Why did you choose WordPress? How did you start learning WordPress?
    • Every developer, at some point in his career, creates his own CMS. Then we learn that creating such a thing is not so easy. And in the end, we try to find an Open Source solution that we can extend and work with. In my case it was WordPress and I’m using it ever since. I came from the PHP background, so for me learning was mostly related to checking the documentation and looking inside other themes and plugins to see how their authors solved some problems.
  • Do you or your organization think WordPress is valuable? If so, how and why so?
    • I think so – they hired me as a WordPress Ambassador because of this. Also, I must admit that we are focusing on WordPress quite a lot. We are organizing a lot of webinars and writing articles. Why? Because WordPress is powering most of the internet – it’s a very big market and not being a part of it is a big loss.
  • What do you want the attendees to learn from your speech?
    • Apart from the obvious part, so understanding how we can convert WP to static and what are the pros and cons of such a solution, I want to show how flexible WordPress can be. We can use it as a website or as a data source for a headless solution. We can write our code in PHP, but we can also other languages.


WordCamp Taiwan 2021 is over. Check out the next edition!