Robert Rowley

Robert Rowley

Robert is a security aficionado, who has spread the good word of secure development practices to developers across the globe. I have over a decade of experience in the web application security field: finding, exploiting and reporting vulnerabilities in many web applications including WordPress. I look forward to sharing the perspective on how to spot these bugs in code before they lead to a problem for the end-user.


  • Why did you choose WordPress? How did you start learning WordPress?
    • I started learning WordPress over a decade ago while building personal websites. I chose WordPress for this purpose because it is very easy to get a website set up from scratch and very easy to regularly add content.
  • What do you want the attendees to learn from your speech?
    • I hope for attendees to learn more about secure development practices, how to spot vulnerabilities in code, and how easy it is to patch most security bugs.
  • How do you interact with your local WordPress community?
    • I love to interact with the WordPress community via WordCamps of course!


WordCamp Taiwan 2021 is over. Check out the next edition!