LikeCoin is a Decentralized Publishing Infrastructure to empower content ownership, authenticity, and provenance.
LikeCoin 是去中心出版基建,協助作者把內容註冊到區塊鏈,寫下永久的憑據 – ISCN ( International Standard Content Number ),達至內容授權、核查及溯源等目的。
LikeCoin is a Decentralized Publishing Infrastructure to empower content ownership, authenticity, and provenance.
LikeCoin is a Decentralized Publishing Infrastructure to empower content ownership, authenticity, and provenance. It works as a repository for immutable digital content metadata. Content creators can records the data and guarantees its integrity using LikeCoin’s content registry protocol, ISCN (International Standard Content Number).
- The ISCN functions like an ISBN (International Standard Book Number) for digital content; this unique, immutable content identifier contains metadata including timestamp, author, title, publisher, licensing, and versions.
- Content metadata will be registered in the LikeCoin public blockchain and link to decentralized storage solutions like the IPFS or Arweave for storing and serving ISCN-linked content.
LikeCoin provides tools/SDK/plugins for publication platforms like news outlets, social media and blogging websites. Some media empowered by LikeCoin include Matters, Standnews, InMedia, HKCNews and other 1,600+ websites. LikeCoin can also be utilized on WordPress, Medium, Vocus, Blogspot (Blogger.com), Pixnet and other content platforms. LikeCoin also provides LikeCoin button to let media be rewarded by clapping by readers.
LikeCoin 是去中心出版基建,協助作者把內容註冊到區塊鏈,寫下永久的憑據 – ISCN ( International Standard Content Number ),達至內容授權、核查及溯源等目的。
LikeCoin 提供的 ISCN 標準可類比為數位內容的 ISBN。
- ISCN 處理的是內容註冊,把內容的元數據如註冊時間、標題、作者、授權方式及版本等資料寫到區塊鏈。去中心出版的兩大基礎,是於公共網絡上分散註冊及儲存,配合如 IPFS 或 Arweave 等分散式檔案系統所提供的內容指紋,讓服務供應者可基於這公共的資料庫存取和分發內容。
- LikeCoin 提供出版相關的 SDK / 插件予平台進行整合,發展各種服務如新聞網站、社交媒體、博客網站等等。支援 LikeCoin 的媒體包括 Matters、立場新聞、香港獨立媒體網、眾新聞 及其他 1,400 多個網站。LikeCoin 也可在 WordPress、Medium、方格子、Blogspot (Blogger.com)、痞客邦 及其他平台上使用。除了內容註冊服務,LikeCoin 也提供 LikeCoin button ,讓用戶化讚為賞,回饋創作。