- 平實的價格
- LiteSpeed網頁伺服器
- 免費版SSL
- 一鍵安裝WordPress
- 免費試用虛擬主機
- 75-180天免費備份
- 免費網站搬家
Knock if you’re Curious, Knock if you’re Brave. 我們是一群熱愛嘗試與冒險,找出不同可能性與發展的網站設計公司,透過正確的規劃跟評估去協助客戶進行最有效的開發跟運用。從品牌的數位化整合、設計、程式開發、安全性的把關,提供一個完整的服務。
免費資源網路社群是一個以「免費資源」為主題的網站,成立於 2006 年,當時 Pseric 還是學生,因為喜歡尋找網路上的免費服務進而將這些資料蒐集起來,搭配圖片撰寫成教學文章,希望更多人受益。網站初期為自行撰寫的 HTML 網站,開站三個月後將平台轉換為 WordPress,成為今日的面貌。
Weglot is an excellent WordPress multilingual plugin that allows you to translate and display your website in multiple languages. It provides a fast first layer of automated translation which you can easily edit yourself or by adding teammates, or collaborate with pro-translators through the Weglot dashboard.
Trusted by more than 50,000 website owners and developers and with a 5-star rating on the WordPress directory (1000+ reviews) – you can have a multilingual website up and running in minutes.
RocketGenius Inc.
Gravity Forms is well regarded as one of the most reliable and extensible WordPress form management plugins on the market. This is reflected in our diverse customer base, which ranges from agencies, educational institutions, and nonprofits, to businesses of all shapes and sizes.
An extremely user-friendly tool, the drag-and-drop form editor functionality and wide assortment of built-in features will enable you to create stylish, high-end forms within minutes. On the flip side, the flexible nature of Gravity Forms, coupled with its impressive ecosystem of add-ons and third-party plugins, allow web professionals to design complex custom forms.
Thank you so much for being here with us. It's only possible with your support. 有您的支持使我們活動更加圓滿,WordCamp Taiwan 2021 全體志工致上最誠摯的感謝