票券包含以下內容:12/11-12/12 整日議程及活動、會後交流派對並獲得大會紀念品。秉持著開源精神,我們盡可能地降低票券價格,讓每個人都有機會參加活動。在經過多方努力下,本次 WordCamp Taiwan 2021 票券首次將門票價格壓低到 0 元!
遵循 WordCamp 傳統,我們會在兩天的大會後,舉行會後交流派對。會後交流派對是一場非正式、休閒聚會,在聚會中你可以自在地與其他與會者交流、認識新朋友,玩得盡興且同時帶上你最喜歡的飲料與食物!
注意:如果會眾並沒有無障礙需求,請在此一欄位勾選「否」:「Do you have any accessibility needs, such as a sign language interpreter or live captioning, to participate in WordCamp?」
Your ticket includes access to all the sessions, events, After Party, and swag items. In the spirit of open-source, we try our best to lower the ticket price so everyone can join the event. After the support of all our partners, the ticket price for WordCamp Taiwan 2021 will be totally free.
As a part of WordCamp traditions, we will hold an After Party after our two-day-long conference. These parties are casual gatherings where you can relax, connect with new people, catch up with friends, have fun and grab your own favorite food and beverages!
If you don’t have any accessibility needs, please choose the option “否 (No)”.
購買大會票券 / Tickets
New Taiwan Dollar (NTD)
Please check back later if no tickets are available. We will release tickets whenever it’s available. Thank you for your understanding.
Please contact us if you have any questions.
- 每個人限註冊一張票券入場,大會將會在正式會議前一週 (12/4) 寄送進入會場的專屬連結與大會資訊。
- WordCamp Taiwan 網站會使用「全球通用大頭貼服務 Gravatar」,在與會夥伴群頁面展示你的大頭貼。填寫購票資訊時,可自行選擇是否顯示大頭貼。
- 如購票時選用「I need an invoice」,購票資料請以英文填寫。此為購買門票證明,並非台灣發票。
- 我們重視每位 WordCamp Taiwan 與會者都能夠被平等對待、尊重、備受保護。一旦參加大會,視同同意遵守行為準則。
- Please purchase one ticket per person and we will send you the venue information on December 4th, 2021.
- The website will use the Gravatar Global Recognized Avatars Service for your unique avatar and be displayed on the attendees page. You will be able to choose not to be displayed while filling your ticket information.
- If you would like to use “I need an invoice” function when getting the ticket, please make sure you enter all the information in English.
- It’s important to us that everyone who attends WordCamp Taiwan is treated equally, respected, and protected. By attending, you agree to abide by our Code of Conduct.
Taiwan Open Source Community is Supported by 科斯高 (GOSCUP).
大會議程 100% 開源自我檢查表 / 100% GPL Vetting Checklist